Wednesday, February 16, 2005

in an effort to restrain myself

i have created this "extra" blog. i had the best intentions of posting only about the biz and actor related stuff on my other blog, but, well...i find there are oftentimes more interesting things to discuss.

yes it's true--an actor who doesn't always want to talk about themselves and what they're working on.

so here we go. i make no restrictions on this blog, so read at your own risk!

>paste< okay, so i'm not starving. yes, i got a lobster steamed at albertson's tonight and cooked myself a lovely hearts-and-flowers day meal when i got home. single life ain't too bad, ya know, even though people think today sucks for us unattached's. i was even able to eat in my running pants and hoodie on the living room floor while i watched t.v. here's to finding someone who likes hanging at home with me and the cat more than bar-hopping.


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