Tuesday, July 26, 2005

frickin' karma!

i do not know why, but apparently i have some horribly bad karma following me around. many things have been going wrong for me over the past few days and i do not really understand. is mercury in retrograde or something absurd like that?

this morning, i woke up very excited for the first time in a long time (not a morning person). i had my first surf lesson scheduled! yay!! y'all know i've been looking forward to this.

so i get all prepped and packed up and get together fresh clothes and my notebooks and stuff for the meeting i have after that, toss some water and fruit in my bag, yadda yadda...

and i get all settled in my car, turn the key and i hear....CLICK.


mathilda has been doing this off and on once in a while over the last two months, and usually if i give her about 5 minutes, she'll start.



now i know what you're thinking. "jeez, why didn't she bring it to the mechanic when it started happening two months ago?"

well, the mechanic (my buddy darryl, who, if you recall, just replaced the transmission in this heap of crap car a few months ago...guy must be laughing all the way to the bank...) told me that i shouldn't bring it in if mathilda was behaving. so three appointments and three cancellations later, because the symptoms went away, here i am. and they can't see me till thursday morning. do you have *any* idea that today and tomorrow are the only days this week when i have a bunch of stuff scheduled?? and who wants to bet that by thursday she'll be starting up just fine?!?

i must have done something really bad this weekend. what did i do........? what on earth is wrong with my karma? i swear... seems like the harder i try to stay away from negative energy, the more it's showing up and screwing up everything else.


Blogger Bill said...

Bad karma? Not necessarily. You might have found yourself being eaten by a shark while surfing.

Remember the mantra: My Karma Ran Over Your Dogma.

1:19 PM  
Blogger kate said...

right you are, dear bill. sharks and rip tides are my current theory....

1:32 PM  

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