Friday, August 19, 2005


okay, so since i rejoined a gym, and have gotten back to working out 4-5 days a week, i have been seriously slacking off over here in the blog department. also in a few other life departments, but like y'all want to know about that. at any rate... i feel really great though...

okay, so.
i promise promise promise to post about the rest of my trip by this time next week.
also, i have much travel planned for september and october so if i don't catch up now i may fall behind forEVER.

and by the way, looks like i *will* make it for a day or 2 of oktoberfest, so i am exceedingly thrilled about that! should be a grand old time. mum wants to try and visit some familial locations over there too so it'll be an interesting trip. just on the tails of that will be a trip to see the grandfolks, whose heritage we will be steeped in, so it will be a great thing to relay all that to them.

meanwhile, regular life is a bit slow right now. i mean, not that i'm not busy, but i wish it were with more work than it is. i am having a ton of fun though, and that's always good. unfortunately, all that "fun" is depleting my funds a bit, so i may need to curb myself for a while. or, say, get a survival job (gasp!). that is an absolute LAST resort!

okay, that's about all you can handle for one blog, right? catch you in a few days!


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